Skyscrapers, single story residential houses, modern apartment complexes, historical monuments, beautiful landscapes – all coexist in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. It is truly a city with an incredible unique diversity of tribes, languages, cultures and traditions. Indulge in the charms of this city and you can discover you’re in the midst of what is also one of the exciting and most lively global cities in the whole Asia.

Diamond City Hanging Bridge
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- City: Jakarta
Built near Diamond Fort, the Diamond City Hanging Bridge is one of the popular monuments in Jakarta that catch the eye of most tourists. The bridge was construc...

Erasmus Huis
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- City: Jakarta
The Erasmus Huis is a culture center which was founded in 1970. It has evolved as a presenter of Dutch culture as well as various music programs. The Erasmus Huis also houses a library with a collecti...

Farmer's Statue
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- City: Jakarta
Farmer’s Statue is a beautiful bronze statue standing near Hyatt Aryaduta Hotel. This statue is known as Hero Statue officially but is well-known as Farmer’s Statue. This bronze statue wa...
Fine Art and Ceramic Museum
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- City: Jakarta
Museum Seni Rupa Dan Keramik or Fine Art and Ceramic Museum is dedicated to the fine art and ceramics of Indonesia. Museum's collection includes around 400 fine...

Fishing Valley Bogor
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- City: Jakarta
Fishing Valley Bogor The Biggest Fishing Venue in Bogor. Jl. Pemda Raya no. Freshwater fishing in a valley with Mount Salak view. Carp, catfish...
Gajah Mada
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- City: Jakarta
Gajah Mada served as a chief minister of King Hayam Wuruk in the 14th century. This prominent leader was believed to have brought prosperity to the Hindu Javanese kingdom. The statue depicts him as a...
Galeri Nasional Indonesia
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- City: Jakarta
Galeri Nasional Indonesia or National Gallery of Indonesia is dedicated to promote the Indonesian art. The museum appreciates the art work through development, ...
Goethe Institut
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- City: Jakarta
The Goethe-Institut is the cultural institute of Germany. The Institut provides information on Germany’s cultural, political and social life. Goethe-Institut performs the principal tasks of cul...
Harry Darsono Museum
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- City: Jakarta
If you love fashion, Harry Darsono Museum is for you. Harry Darsono is one of the most famous fashion designers in Indonesia, whose textile designs have been ma...

Irian Jaya Liberation Monument
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- City: Jakarta
The Irian Jaya Liberation Monument is erected in front of Treasury Building. As the name suggests, Irian Jaya Liberation Monument commemorates the freedom of Ir...

Italian Institute of Culture Jakarta
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- City: Jakarta
Situated in Menteng, Italian Cultural Institute promotes the cultural exchange between Indonesia and Italy. It is a perfect meeting place for artists and intell...

Jagorawi Golf & Country Club (JGCC)
- Details
- City: Jakarta
Jagorawi Golf & Country Club (JGCC) Jl. Karanggan raya, Cibinong-Bogor. The only golf club in the countr...