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An elegant Georgian villa based in Greenwich, this house comprises of The Wernher Collection, a remarkable collection of works of art purchased by diamond magnate Sir Julius Wernher. Explore the virtuosity of the medieval craftsman and the unparalleled quality of Renaissance decorative arts in this villa.
Nearby Places
Green Chain Walk
The Cutty Sark
Eltham Palace
The Royal Observatory
The Old Royal Naval College
Greenwich Arts and Crafts Market
Greenwich Auction House
The O2 Arena
Greenwich Picturehouse
St. Alfrege
Canary Wharf
ExCel London
Canary Wharf Ice Rink
Sands Film Studios
St. Paul's, Deptford
The Broadway Theatre

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101-105, Center One,
Next To Ashoka Buildcon,
Ashoka Marg, Nashik - 422 011
Maharashtra, India.