• Finally, everything you need in one place, from detailed information of POIs to travel utilities like hotel booking, currency converter, world clocks, weather forecast and much more.
  • Very intuitive, easy to use UI with tight social integration and data sync capabilities.
  • A perfect trip planner that’s been designed considering the requirements of travelers.
  • Get ready to experience the next generation Augmented Reality experience.

London Travel Guide - Pangea Guides

With detailed information of around 50 museums, 40 parks and 350 featured attractions along with 1000s of other Points of Interest carefully integrated with every single travel activity, right from Facebook Check-Ins to event information, maps to intuitive Augmented Reality experience, London Travel Guide is the ‘Swiss Army Knife’ for your trip to the global city.

  • AppStore
  • PlayStore
  • Windows Phone
  • Windows Store

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